Travel My Destination

Road Status 2023 - 24

Road Status for Off Road Travel

Road Status
Road Status & Conditions 2024 - 25 10

Road Status and Condition 2023 - 2024

Popular Road / Highway Status and Condition 2023 - 2024

Srinagar to Leh Road Status 2023 - 2024

Srinagar - Leh Road Status 2023 - 24

Manali to Leh Road Status and Condition 2023 - 2024

Manali - Leh Road Status 2023 - 24

Spiti Valley Road Status 2023 - 24

Spiti Valley Road Status 2023 - 24

Zojila Pass Road Status and Condition 2023 - 24

Zojila Pass Road Status 2023 - 24

Bike Rental Rates 2023 - 24

Bike Rental Rates 2023 - 24

Delhi - Kinnaur - Spiti Valley Road Status 2023 - 24

Delhi Kinnaur Spiti Status 2023 - 24

Activity's Location

FAQs about
Road Status

How can we reach Ladakh?

The best way to travel to Ladakh is by flight. Leh Airport is well-connected with major cities like Delhi, Jammu, Chandigarh, Srinagar, and many other places through direct and connecting flights.

Is there any oxygen problem in Ladakh?

Ladakh is located at high altitude, nearly 11,500 feet above sea level. At this altitude people often find difficulty in breathing or are likely to fall prey to altitude sickness. It happens due to a low level of atmospheric oxygen. It is advisable to give yourself enough time to acclimatize before engaging in any physical activity.

What is the ideal duration for the Ladakh trip?

The ideal time depends on your plan and itinerary. Generally, it needs 5 to 10 days to cover the major destinations in Ladakh. If trekking is your main goal then you may have to increase the duration as some long trekking trails require a more prolonged time to complete the tour.

How do I find the cheapest car hire deal?

You can check with TravelMyDestionation Car/Bike hire section.

What should I look for when I'm choosing a car?

You have to carry extra petrol and extra tyre to replace if required. Avoid to travel after night.

Viewers/Readers Comments:
   Admin Reply 
Monu Singh
10-06-2023 00:00:00
Hi I am

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