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Sky Diving

Adventure in the Sky

Sky Diving 22

Sky Diving (Adventure in the Sky)

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Adventure Sport,

Overview: Sky Diving

Skydiving also called parachuting is jumping from an aircraft and safely returning to the ground with the help of a parachute. Skydiving is an extremely popular adventure activity. Each year millions of people skydive all over the world enjoy the thrill of skydiving Besides being a recreational activity there are also professional careers that require skydiving. These include airborne soldiers from the military, firefighters and sometimes medical personnel.

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Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

At first look, skydiving or parachuting may seem an extremely dangerous but in reality accidents and fatalities are very rare. This is because of the rigourous training, well thought out procedures and modern equipment that are nowadays available. In most countries a skydiver will need to complete 5 jumps with at least one certified instructor before they can parachute alone. These jumps usually take place after detailed lessons on parachute safety and procedures are completed on the ground.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Sky Diving History:

Besides the training and assisted skydives the modern parachutist has excellent safety equipment. To begin with all skydivers carry a reserve parachute. This reserve parachute is checked and packed by a certified parachute rigger. This is almost like a guarantee that the reserve parachute will open. In addition to a reserve chute there is an additional level of safety, an - automatic activation device, AAD. This device opens the reserve parachute without the assistance of the parachutist in any way. AADs have saved many. Basically it detects an abnormal rate of descent and activates the reserve. There are cases where skydivers have collided, become unconscious and the AAD has saved their lives. Skydivers also carry an Altimaster with sudio and visual cues. This may seem superflous, but it is not. When a person is falling free, it is difficult to tell how close to the ground you are. It is absolutely necessary to open a parachute at a reasonable height above ground to make sure it fully deploys before you reach the ground. Because of the procedures and safety gear in place as well as a great safety record skydiving has its no wonder many people go skydiving. If you are thinking about going skydiving you should know some things about the sport. The first being what the risk is.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Speaking statistically parachuting is a very safe sport.It's not the same as watching an IPL match in your drawign room but it's not supposed to be. Every year there are around 3 million skydives performed, of these 3 million jumps an average of 35 accidents happen. Most of these fatalities take place becasue of human error. This is not to say skydiving is not dangerous because it is. However, if people follow all the procedures and carry out all the checks, the odds of being injured or killed are extremely low. If you want to learn more about skydiving please contact the concerned Adventure Nation Guru and he will he happy to tell you what to do.

In the year was 1617 when Fauste Veranzio stepped to the edge of a four story tower in Venice, Italy we do not know exactly what was going through his mind at the time, but one thing is certain, shortly after stepping off the edge of that tower, he gently floated into the history books as the first man to utilize a Maximum Drag Decelerator, more widely known as a parachute. The credit for that concept goes to Leonardo Da Vinci, not to Faust. Faust had based the design for his parachute on a drawing done by Da Vinci in 1495.Since that fateful day in Venice, the use of parachute and parachute design has grown by leaps and bounds.Since Jean Pierre Blanchard first used a rigid frame parachute in 1785 to jump from his hot air balloon, when it inadvertently exploded, parachutes have been adding an extra level of safety to aviation as a life saving device. Today these are used in every corner of the world for everything from sport aviation to military special operations to recreational diving and more.he thrill of it. Besides being a recreational activity there are also professional careers that require skydiving. These include airborne soldiers from the military, firefighters and sometimes medical personnel.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Sky Diving In India:

Skydiving seems like an extreme activity to many people, in good weather conditions the risks are very low. When weather conditions change, risks are compounded. That is why these daredevils must be very aware of the currents and conditions of this ocean of air.

Wind Conditions and Skydivers The factor that is most important to skydivers is wind conditions. Modern square parachutes have approximately a twenty mile per hour forward speed. This forward speed affords the skydiver great maneuverability.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

On a day with no wind, a parachutist can go twenty miles per hour in whatever direction they prefer. When the wind is blowing, the wind speed and direction must be taken into consideration in order to land in the designated landing area. Just like a boat on a river, the currents of air will push a parachute in the direction that it is flowing.

There are three ways to figure out the best spot for the jump: Skydivers may use the winds aloft forecast provided by the National Weather Service. The skydiver may simply look at the movement of the clouds aloft for the upper winds. Looking at the wind socks and flags on the drop zone for surface wind speed and direction also works.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Know more about popular locations for Sky Diving in India.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Best season for Sky Diving in India:

You can go skydiving at anytime of the year except the monsoon and rainy seasons. However for skydiving, timing is more important than month to indulge in this sport. It is recommended that on a clear day you may go skydiving either from 8:00 am to 10:00 am or from 4:00 pm till 5:00 pm. This is primarily because this is when the best light is available without you having the sun directly on your head.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Sky Diving sites in India:

Mysore – Karnataka
Deesa – Gujarat
Pondicherry – Tamil Nadu
Aamby Valley – Maharashtra
Dhana – Madhya Pradesh
Hyderabad – Telangana
Aligarh – Uttar Pradesh
Narnaul – Haryana
Bir Billing – Himachal Pradesh

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Sky Diving TIPS:

Any clothes that you are comfortable in should be fine. Loose fitting clothes will likely allow you to be more comfortable during your skydive. Operators sometimes provide jumpsuits that cover your clothes. For the ladies, dresses or skirts are certainly not recommended. Most people wear shorts and a t-shirt in the warmer months. On cooler days, jeans and a sweatshirt will help keep you warm. If it’s cold, you can wear gloves.

Sneakers or similar soft soled shoes work best. Sandals, high-heels, flip-flops and other shoes that can easily come off can’t be worn. The shoes must be tight and able to stay on when freefalling at 120 MPH. Shoes or boots with hooks are also not permitted.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Jewelry could easily be lost during the skydive. If you are wearing jewelry, it’s best to give it to a friend or family member for the jump. Watches cannot be worn during the jump.

Helmets are a must for all tandem jumpers.If you have long hair, you should plan on pulling it back or putting it into a pony tail. Some people prefer to tuck their long hair inside their helmets.

Skydiving With Glasses

You must wear skydiving goggles. These goggles protect your eyes from the wind. If you wear prescription glasses, you can either jump without your glasses, or put our goggles over your glasses. If wear contacts, be sure to tell your instructor so they can be sure the goggles are tight against your face.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Medical concerns:

We regret that certain medical conditions may prevent you from taking part in a skydive. These include epilepsy, some cardiovascular and neurological conditions, some forms of diabetes and recurring injuries. If you have previously dislocated your shoulder/arm it is vital that you inform us and consult your doctor.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky


Skydiving Equipment List: Helmet
Activation Device

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

Ecological concerns:

Skydiving is mainly a leisure activity that requires jet fuel to get us to altitude. The more jet fuel we burn, the more CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere, adding to an already unsustainable level of greenhouse gases that are causing global temperatures to rise, increasingly volatile weather, and rising sea levels.

Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

What's to Carry when you go for Sky Diving?

Must carry some water with you
Must Carry some cash because there are limited network and Banking Facility
Carry some food items
Carry extra warm cloths
Not to travel alone

Popular Sky Diving Sites

Best Time for Sky Diving
  JAN     FEB     MAR     APR     MAY     JUN  
  JUL     AUG     SEP     OCT     NOV     DEC  

Ideal Conditions for Sky Diving

 Staying aloft in light wind conditions in a paraglider or hang glider is commonly called scratching. It is called this because experienced pilots fly very close (almost scratching their wing tip) to the ridge in order to maintain altitude or stay up. One of the keys to maximizing your chances of success on such a day is proper speed control.
 On light days, it takes more than flying at Minimum Sink to maximize the chances of getting up. “What?” you say, “Min sink is the speed at which you get your slowest descent rate, so how can this be true?” In a nutshell, on light days, the variance of wind speeds and lift at different sections of a cliff vary, making constant (speed to fly) adjustments the best way to stay up. This article addresses ridge soaring in dynamic lift only, not thermal flying. In thermal flights, flying too close to terrain is extremely dangerous and should be avoided.

What Should Wear

 For both paragliding courses and tandem paragliding flights,wearing the right clothing and footwear is very important! Here are some guidelines to help you.
 You may have periods of intense activity(e.g. walking up the hill!) and other times where you have to sit and wait for the right wind and weather conditions. You may have to contend with the chill factor of the prevailing wind, so it makes sense to go properly prepare.Layers of light but warm shirts mixed with a windproof on top are much better than just one or two thick heavy garments.
 Wearing an overall or similar is a good idea: if you have some waterproof overalls or a one-piece ski suit, so much better.
 It is a good idea to bring along some waterproof overalls, just in case we get caught out by a rain shower. A pair of warm gloves is a very good idea, especially in cooler weather( even if you take them off to fly!), ideally not too thick. And a waterproof jacket.

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Sky Diving, Adventure Activity in the Sky

FAQs about
Sky Diving

How long does the skydiving process take?

On average, skydiving takes around 5-7 minutes from the time you jump from the plane to when you land. An additional 20 minutes are spent in the airplane getting to a suitable drop zone.

Can you breathe when you skydive?

Contrary to popular opinion, you can breathe normally while skydiving! Even in freefall, when you're falling at a speed of up to 160mph, you'll get plenty of oxygen to breathe.

What is the best time for skydiving?

The best time of day to skydive is during the morning when the sky is clear and the ground visible.

How high do you go when skydiving?

The standard skydiving altitude is approximately 12,500 feet AGL (Above Ground Level). The height can shoot up to 18,000 feet depending on the altitude of the drop zone, type of jump, and type of aircraft.

What is the weight requirement for skydiving?

While it's different for every skydiving center, the average weight limit for a tandem passenger is approximately 200-220 pounds for women and 230-250 pounds for men.

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